Indiana University L3 Syntax Lab
From 2019-2020 I worked with the Indiana University L3 Syntax Lab under the guidance of Rex Sprouse. We developed a (still ongoing) project examining the acquisition of perfect participle agreement among L3 learners of Italian with L2 Spanish experience. One of my main roles in this lab was managing the development of the data collection instruments, a rather complex set of surveys administered through Qualtrics. We envision ultimately expanding this project to explore multiple L3 acquisitional paths involving combinations of Spanish, Italian, and French. We were fortunate enough to complete our initial round of data collection in March 2020, just before all in-person research activities at Indiana University were halted.
Sprouse, R., Adams, M., Aguilar Perez, A., Brakovec, H., Cherici, A., Daniel, K., McClure, H., McKenzie, H., and Smith, S. (2020) “Overgeneralization, L2-vulnerability, and L3 acquisition of Italian perfect participle agreement.” Paper presented at Indiana University Second Language Studies Colloquium, Bloomington IN.